Abortion in cases of intra uterine malformation incompatible with life: ethical debate in the light of laic compassion and the bioethics of protection
ABSTRACT: The Brazilian Supremo Tribunal Federal recent approval of “childbirth anticipation” in cases of anencephalic fetus pregnancy brings important elements to the current debate on morality and legality of abortion, especially in the cases of intra uterine malformation incompatible with life (IMIL). Such is the subject of this article, which proposes to present the main lines of the ethical discussion on abortion in cases of IMIL, emphasizing the sacredness of life, respect for the (reproductive) autonomy of women, the concept of laic compassion and the assumptions of bioethics of protection.
KEY WORDS: abortion; bioethics; protection; compassion.
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Pro-Reitoria de Extensão - Universidade Federal Fluminense
Rua Miguel de Frias, nº 9, 6º andar, Icaraí, Niterói - RJ CEP:24220 900