Religious discrimination in labor relationships

Susana Sousa Machado


ABSTRACT: This paper deals with a reflection around discrimination based onr eligious factors, especially in labor relationships, from a legal perspective. Thus, the goal here was to recognize the main focal points of the working class man’s religious discrimination. We intend to demonstrate that one can’t ask of the principles ofe quality and non discrimination more than they are already capable of offering. This reflection plan goes about perfecting opportunities to the level of articulation betweena nti-discriminatory attitudes and religious freedom.

KEYWORDS: freedom of religion, discrimination, labour law.

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Diversitates International Journal - ISSN 1984-5073
Pro-Reitoria de Extensão - Universidade Federal Fluminense
Rua Miguel de Frias, nº 9, 6º andar, Icaraí, Niterói - RJ CEP:24220 900
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